Friday, January 11, 2008

Organizing Your Information

Today you'll be assembling your blogmates information into a well organized, digestible form. Create subheadings (ex. Major Characteristics) and paraphrase your information under these subheadings.

1. Read over the major guideline questions.
2. For each step, group members should look for relevant information.
3. Record the information until all information is exhausted.

  • Not all information will be important, so don't feel you have to include all the information. Discuss the points. Figure out what's important.
  • Depending on the information you have found, you may have to create more subheadings than the guideline questions imply
  • Each group member must create their own sheet, but everyone should have the same information on their paper.
  • The paper you record information on today is a rough draft. Don't be afraid to cross out or draw arrows.