Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I want to address a few things with you this morning.

1. I will accept no late blog postings after Tuesday, February 26th. At midnight, those little horsies turn into pumpkins.

2. I love the comments so far. Here is an exchange that I was especially impressed with. Also, there is an interesting exchange going on with someone from outside McKinley right here. Don't feel the need to praise. Try to stick to the question the writer raises. If a writer doesn't raise a question, avoid responding to that post.

3. Don't lose points for stupid reasons. Again, there is a specific format I want you to follow:

Title Field: Post Title
Blog Post Field: Title, Author
Pages Read

Here is a response utilizing the ideal format.

4. Some of you folks are reverting to plot summary. Choose a question from the response prompts linked to your blogs.