Wednesday, February 7, 2007

AP Lit: Work for Thursday, February 8th

I have a team leader meeting this morning. I’ll be in later. Ms. Rick will guide you. Here are your tasks today:

  1. Film Projects – Finish! Export! When your films are done, export them. Make sure the final .mov file is in your documents folder (the server folder). The one exception is if your server folder is full…then pop that bad boy in the users-hard drive-shared folder and I’ll find it. Now, today you’ll work at your own pace. If you want to throw down a musical track, then do it. Just make sure you accomplish task #2 during the class period and task three for homework.
  2. Look to the end of this post. There is a comments button. Click on comments and type in the text from your voiceover (the poem or poem segment). Make sure to type it correctly and preserve the line breaks, punctuation, etc. I need a copy of everyone’s segment so that we have something to look at while watching your films. Make sure to put your name underneath. Again, no handles. I'm speaking directly to you lukeperrylover6532.
  3. Lastly, I have a hand out for you about stream of consciousness narrative. I'm giving this out in class, but I also have one posted below. Get this done, as it is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Attention: Hey guys...sorry about the problems with the comment thing. You no longer have to register to post. I had the settings set like that to discourage random spammers. It's fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.