Friday, February 9, 2007

AP Lit: Stream of Consciousness, etc.

For Monday

Make sure to have Invisible Man. I'll be distributing a reading schedule.
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On Monday we will watch our films.
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Now it’s time for you to take a stab at stream of consciousness writing. Remember, one type of stream of consciousness is meant to capture the interior monologue that a character is having.

Choose one of the following options:
- create a character in a situation and attempt to capture the interior monologue he or she is having
- try your best to capture your stream of consciousness at this moment OR from your SOC during sometime yesterday

Classwork & Discussion that led to the homework:
Remember, in class on Thursday and Friday we read excerpts from John Dos Passos' The Big Money & James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake and focused on the authors' use of stream of consciousness and its intended effect. Notice how Dos Passos achieves an angry tone by omitting periods and standard English grammar (the pace is quickened) and notice how Joyce...well...again, I'm not sure what any of that means. But notice the onamatopoeietic words & what not :).

The Big Money

Finnegan's Wake - Chapter One