Task One: I would each of you to write down your essential question, name, and period number and staple it to my bulletin board. Feel free to make it look nice. Doodle if you want. It's for a display.
Task Two: Today you are working on your introductory blog post. Follow the format:
- How did you become interested in the topic?
- What did you know before?
- What is your essential question? Foundation questions.
- This is due by Monday. But, class time Monday will be spent talking about the middle section of the project.
- Carefully consider your blog post title. Use a title and a subtitle. The title should be related to your topic and the subtitle should be something like "Before the Search."
- My initial post might (will) read "Developing My Personal Learning Network: Before The Search"
- Here are the links to the introductory sections we read yesterday.