Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Today's Extra Credit Assignment #2

Extra Credit Assignment #2
If you don't have an email address or Google Account, do this assignment:

1. Read the following article from Rolling Stone. (Click to enlarge.)
2. When you have finished reading the article, use the comments section of this post to address the following issue:

Downloading is killing the record industry. You know the story about illegal downloads. Now, such artists as Radiohead and Saul Williams have offered their CD's on the internet for an optional donation. Furthermore, this article delves into deeper problems facing the recording industry. If you were "Joe Record Executive," what steps would you take to help revive the industry?


3. After your answer, put your first name, last initial, and period. All of this information is required to earn the other 50 points of possible extra credit. Only reasonable answers will be credited.

* This is an extra credit grade, but will it is mandatory that you do it if you've finished with your college essay.

Hiatt, Brian and Knopper, Steve. "Big Chains Psh CDs Off Shelves". Rolling Stone Magazine Rolling Stone LLC. Issue 11039 - 11/15/2007/