Monday, January 22, 2007

Memoir - "I Don't Know How to Start"

For those of you who are having trouble developing a beginning to your memoir, try one of these four tried and true methods:

1. Start off with a vivid description of the setting (the physical place, not the year, etc.). This can establish a backdrop for the reader, show off your descriptive skill/writing chops, set the mood, or even foreshadow the action (dark & stormy night cliched horror beginning).
2. Start off with you or another character doing something. This gets the reader right into the action.
3. Start off with dialogue. Beginning with conversation makes you get right into the action, reveals info about yourself & other characters/people integral to your memoir.
4. A description of an interesting character. Descriptions of characters who have interesting qualities are another way to hook the reader.

Important: The lead is very important. You want to grab the reader's attention right away and let them know that good writing will follow. Don't bog down the reader by giving all sorts of unnecessary information. Avoid giving details about the year or your age. Avoid introducing oodles of characters (don't ever introduce a character who you will not develop somewhat. You may have to leave people out or combine characters. In a memoir this short, keep it simple). Avoid getting into thematic elements.